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Industrial Maintaining Organization

IMO: Reshape your Geometrics

The world has undergone significant changes. Millions of people now reside in structures that foster a different sense of family. Every individual over the age of 18 is engaged in an industry. Each occupation is part of an intricate system designed primarily to sustain the industrial complex, which is organized to expand and proliferate across the universe. Consequently, competition, exploitation, and oppression are no longer driving forces. Humanity’s conflicts with nature have ceased. We no longer educate large populations to feel inferior or superior. For decades, all knowledge has been equitably shared among everyone. Although nature remains unpredictable, our approach is no longer to control or experiment with it. Instead, we prepare for its inevitable dominance over us. We have evolved into a species that understands humanity about our technology. These accomplishments were partly due to a mass revolution of the student class via the World Wide Web. After years of imbalance, violence, and misunderstanding, as universal beings, we have surrendered and recognized that change is more important than reaction. This is The Industrial Maintaining Organization. Never again will the term “man” define and center us. Imoians are individuals with no nationalism or patriotism, focused on preserving our mother universe.

The Industrial Maintaining Organization showcases a unique focus on visually striking, abstract shapes and patterns, incorporating juxtaposed bright and dark colors such as black and yellow. Despite these graphic abstractions, there is a clear sense of cohesion in the pieces. IMO illustrates a city within a three-dimensional space, allowing for the theoretical creation of an architectural mockup.

These artworks depict an abstract city with a transportation system built using bold, contrasting, and complementary colors. Skyscrapers rise with vibrant, colorful shapes, while a dark sky forms the backdrop of these paintings.